Dog Walking Hazleton PA

About Us

It's Our Pleasure To Serve Your Pets!

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About Your Pet Concierge

I’ve always had a soft spot for animals, so in 2018, when I began my pet sitting career little did I know I’d completely fall in love with it and all of the magnificent pets I get to look after and love every day.  Our pets are like our children, and they just never stop depending on us. They enrich our lives with their unwavering love and devotion. Now, my husband Thad and I care for every pet with that same unwavering love and devotion. Because of the awesome privilege of caring for all of our pet families, I know I have found my true calling.  It suddenly became clear that I needed to make this my full-time career.  We thank you for trusting us with your precious family members and we look forward to becoming a part of your pack!

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Ready To Give Your Pet The Best Service Ever!?

Dog Walking Service Hazleton PA Your Pet Concierge



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